Email To My Brother: RIP Tim Conway

RIP Tim Conway.
    I have his autobiography. I’ve been meaning to read it. Now I’ll have to read it with a tear in my eye.
    Watching Beto O’Rourke on Tucker Carlson. Don’t know what that guy is apologizing about now. In fact, I don’t know why all the democratic candidates all seem to be apologizing. One thing you can say about Donald Trump, the guy never apologizes. He never backtracks either. He always goes full steam ahead. Right or wrong, he’s always moving forward.
    20 years married. 20 long years. I asked for 20 SHORT years, but they were out of stock. You and I, at least we can tell ourselves it’s not years spent with our first wives.
    So when are you leaving on your cruise? It seems like the trip with no beginning. I spoke with our father today, and even HE asked me, “Hasn’t that bozo left yet?

    Those were his exact words.
    “No, pop, he hasn’t,” I told him.
    “That worries me.”
    “Why? Because you think he still hasn’t gotten over the flu?”
    “No, because I’m afraid he’s thinking about visiting ME instead. Hurry up, Donald, and build that wall.”

RaisingDad  American Chimpanzee


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