Email To My Brother: The Flu

I spoke with our father two Saturdays ago, he let it slip how big of a liar you are.
    He told me that you told him that you were sick with the flu for FOUR WEEKS!
     Man, are you trying to work your way into his will by making him feel sorry for you, or what? That’s probably the same strategy you use to try to get sex from your poor wife.
    I came down with the flu. I had one bad Friday at work and then spent the weekend in bed, and I was all better by Monday. Even our hypochondriac brother-in-law laughs at your ailments.
    “Don’t people die from the flu?” our father asked me about you.
    “Yes, pop,” I told him.
    “We should be so lucky.”

RaisingDad American Chimpanzee


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