Happy Birthday (Kinda)

My Mom, when she was alive, was amazing.
     With all the kids and grandkids and grandkids she had, she never forgot a birthday. Especially mine. My birthday presents began with the Man From Uncle spy camera that turned into a gun, then, as the years flowed by, they slowly morphed into cash.
     "For a comic book," she told me when I was a boy.
     "For a book," she told me when  was a man.
     If what you love is where your heart is, then she always knew where my heart was.
     When she passed on, that was the end of the toys, the books... the cash. But every ending has a beginning, and that was the beginning of my Dad's coming to live with me and my family. And I haven't seen a birthday present since.
     I sure do miss my Mom.

Raising My Father
jimduchene.blogspot.com  Fifty Shades of Funny


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