Because They Were Home

I'm watching "Lockup Raw" on TV.
     It's funny, but I rarely get to watch television because my father is usually sitting in front of it hogging the set, and, when I finally have a chance to re-acquaint myself with the remote, there's nothing worth watching.
     "Lockup Raw" is a reality show about prisoners in a prison. In the little part I saw, one prisoner was being interviewed. He was in prison for murder, but, since I started watching the program late, I didn't know the whole story. It probably had something to do with an ex-wife.
     I found one of his answers particularly funny.
     "Why are you in prison?" the interviewer asked him.
     "I killed my ex-wife with a knife," the prisoner answered. (See? I told you.)
     "Because I didn't have a gun."
     I had to laugh, because the prisoner did answer the question honestly.
     It reminded me of a concert movie I saw with the late, great comedian Richard Pryor. I believe it was called "Live From The Sunset Strip." In it, he was telling his audience about the movie he filmed with Gene Wilder, "Stir Crazy." In the movie, he and Gene end up in prison for some reason that was necessary to carry the plot forward.
     While filming, Richard Pryor noticed that Gene was a little too fond of going in amongst the prisoners and talking with them.
     "Gene," Pryor told him, "you can't mingle with the prison population like you're at a party. They might force you to have sex with them."
     "Sex with them?" Gene protested. "I'm not a homosexual."
     Pryor rolled his eyes.
     "They won't force you to have sex because you're a homosexual," he explained. "They'll do it just to see the look on your face."
     Pryor did have one exchange with a prisoner who, like the interviewee in "Lockup Raw," was also a murderer.
     Pryor asked him, "When you broke into their house, why did you kill that entire family?"
     The murderer looked at Pryor, and matter-of-factly told him, "Because they were home."
     Pryor then told his audience that, after some time passed and he got to know these men on a more personal level, he came to the conclusion...
     "THANK GOD there are prisons!"
     Which made me come to the conclusion that I wouldn't do well in prison. I think I've always known this, and that's why I've made an effort to live a good life instead. I've tried to pass along this knowledge to my kids, and now my grandkids.
     For example, my grandson and I have started to go around, collecting discarded cans and bottles, turning them in for a refund, and putting the money we make into a savings account for him. It's been so much fun that even his parents have gotten involved. In the last year, between all of us, that savings account has grown to $375.
     I don't know if you have to pay a deposit where you live, but where I live you have to pay one for just about every container the government can think of, remember, or make up. Sodas, beers, juices, milk jugs... you name it. If we buy a case of sodas, the deposit is about $2.00. The same with Gatorade, vitamin waters, flavored waters, and just plain waters. Plastic containers, aluminum containers, and glass containers. It adds up. Aluminum cans are especially costly.
     I guess saving cans and bottles is an senior citizen thing, I see enough of them do it, but I don't consider it beneath me to do it myself. The main thing is, my grandson enjoys it and it teaches him to save. He tells everyone that it's for his college education.
     I bet you that the $375 my grandson has in his savings account, is $375 more than my buddy Maloney has in his.
Raising My Father  American Chimpanzee


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