An Email To My Brother About Time

I've got some good news for you: A theory I like about time is that it's on a loop.
     Einstein put it this way (and I'm paraphrasing here): "God created time so that everything wouldn't happen at once." God Himself said (also paraphrasing), "I am the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End."
     Do you know what that means?
     It means that when the time loop ends, it begins all over again, so you'll have your chance at all those high school girlfriends the football team stole from you in high school. They played football, you picked onions on your summer vacation. Where was the contest in that?
     You were a child of the sixties, and while all the hippies were into all that "free love" and "love the one your with" stuff, you were busy being married to your first wife. That's the sad part about the time loop... you end up with your first wife all over again, over and over, again and again, for all eternity.
     Still, the plus side is that you get to see your kids as babies again. Feed them, hold them, change their diapers. Unless you were like Dad, and refused to change diapers. Myself, I enjoyed every minute of every diaper I changed. My daughter needed me back then. Now she goes to her room for privacy and comes out when she wants her feet rubbed. Sometimes she's Daddy's little girl, other times she's arguing with me about why can't be dropped off at the mall all by herself.
     I need to come up with a theory about that some day.
     Getting back to my original point, when you think about it, maybe our memories are nothing but us accessing those alternate time streams. We're not actually remembering them, what we're doing is watching live-streaming of our lives as it's happening on a different time frequency.
     Speaking of time, how come, when we get older, time starts to move so fast? The older we get, the faster time flies. Except for our bodies. In our physical bodies, time slows down. You only have to see an old man walk or move to see that he's on slow motion. The same with his thoughts. An old man's thoughts can't keep up with the information that's being fed to him. But time around us speeds up. Kind of like when you see a movie or TV show or commercial where the main person is moving normally or slowly, but the world around him is moving fast.
     Kind of like that.
     Gravity also seems to weigh more heavily on us as time goes by. When you're a kid with little time baggage to carry, gravity barely has a hold on you as you run and jump and climb trees and walk the rock fence to go steal watermelons from your neighbor's garden. But when you're old and carrying a lot of time baggage, gravity just drags you down, and makes it hard to move from point A to point B.
     When you're a kid, you can fall and not get hurt, because gravity isn't pulling you down as hard, so you just jump up and keep on doing what you're doing. But when you're old and you fall... SOMETHING is gonna break. You walk like you're an astronaut on the moon. And you land like a hundred-pound bag of glass.
     Since we're on the subject of time and our old high school girlfriends, let me give you a hypothetical question: Say at the age you are now, you were able to go back in time and have sex with one of your old girlfriends that you used to have sex with... would THAT be statutory rape? I mean, it's still you. It's just you in the future. And you've ALREADY had sex with her, so it's not like you're being all pervy and stuff.
     To take this thought even further, let's say you go back in time, and your high school self is having sex with your girlfriend. If you join in, does that make it a threesome?
     What are the implications here?
Raising My Father  Fifty Shades of Funny


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