The Reply

I was packing my bags, getting ready to leave for the airport when I got the text: “I’m here for you.”
     “Thanks,” I wrote back. “Yeah, it’s a bad situation with my father, but I’m sure it will be okay. I just wish the doctor would have some good news for a change. The series of enemas my father has to go through to treat his impacted bowels isn't going to be any fun, but what can I do? The doctor warned me to prepare myself. I asked him how bad it was going to be, since my dad will be treated at home. He said it would be "explosive." And "messy." And who's going to have to clean it up? Me. He's my dad, so I can't leave it for my wife to do. Anyway, thanks for your support, but I've gotta go now. I’m waiting for my Uber driver.”
     “I AM your Uber driver,” came the reply, "and I'm here for you."
RaisingDad  American Chimpanzee


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