Email To My Brother: Is It Hot?

Yes, it’s hot here.
     Very hot.
     That’s why I tell our local homeless they should relocate to California. "The weather is temperate year-round, the liberal government is friendly to your plight, the mayor of Los Angeles says he thinks about you 100% of the time, and there’s money for everyone—as long as you’re homeless and/or in this country illegally." I tell them, “Nancy Pelosi lives in a nice neighborhood, I suggest you set up camp there.”
     If I was in a position of authority here, I would go even further. I would give each homeless person here a hundred bucks and a bus ticket to California to get them the heck out. I’d also give them a new (new to them) coat, because I’ve heard it gets cold in the northern part of your state. Stuffed into one pocket of that coat would be the address of Nancy Pelosi and the Los Angeles mayor.
     Everybody wins!

     Those are going to be some big dogs you’ve got. Looking at them in those pictures you sent me, I thought they were going to be about the size of a large cocker spaniel.
     Since they’re part poodle, you can take them with you when you go coon hunting, in case you come across one of the imaginary bears you like to tell your therapist about.
     Here’s an interesting play with language:
Her = Therapist
You = The Rapist

      A week after our cousin had her graduation party for her daughter, she threw a party celebrating her husband’s 60th birthday.
      His actual birthday was on April 15th, but they wanted to wait for people’s bank accounts to replenish after having had to pay their taxes. I kid, of course. Actually, the invitation said “No presents.” Our company was the only gift he wanted.
     Our cousin Manny was shocked at the concept, shaking his head in non-understanding. “Not even a money tree?” he asked anybody who would listen, remembering his own “cash only” request for his and his wife’s 50th wedding anniversary extravaganza.
     Interestingly enough, underneath the “No presents.” on the invitation, it said: “Don’t tell your brother.”

Raising My Father  American Chimpanzee


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