Emails To My Brother: The Point

You have a point about fitness and death.
    Fit as you were, you had a heart attack at 55. Now you're 70, ugly as ever. Me, at 60, I’m still chugging along, even though I sit for over ten hours a day for a living. The more weight I gain, the handsomer I become. I don't know why that works, but it does.
     Our two brothers-by-law: both are diabetic, tallywackers don’t work, one is morbidly obese... and they’re STILL having just as much sex as you are, which is zero.
     Keith Richards and Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones, both in their 80s, one’s been doing heroine for most of his life and the other continues to rock & roll with chicks in their 20s.
     Well, at least you have your memories.
     Until you get Alzheimer’s.

Raising My Father  American Chimpanzee


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