Emails To My Brother: The Prostitute

I get the Odessa newspaper from a hotel I stop at when I'm driving through town.
     Front page story?
     A prostitution sting operation that took place over a fifteen day period and was conducted on the internet.
     “It’s the best way to do it,” the police chief was quoted in print, therefore telling anyone who can read that if you want to sell or buy sex and not get caught... hit the streets!
     The old ways are truly the best.
     “We’re telling the predators: ‘Stay away from our children!’” he also was quoted as saying, which was an odd statement because the average age of those arrested was 29. The newspaper didn’t specify if that was the prostitutes arrested, the johns, or a combination of the two. The OLDEST prostitute was an Asian woman, Hui Sun Lee.
     She was 67!
      If you’re feeling frisky and a 67-year-old woman wants to show you a good time for free, with or without her teeth, maybe good sense will take a hike and you’ll give in, but to PAY for it?

     She should be paying YOU!
     When you hire s 67-year-old prostitute, that better come with a coupon for a free bowl of soup is all I'm saying.
     In a way, I kind of feel sorry for the johns, because the majority of them, I’m sure, are from out-of-town and come in to work the oil fields, so they’re away from their wives, their girlfriends, their families.
     Still, they know the possible consequences, so my sympathy only goes so far. Still...

     Isn't sex with a prostitute who is past her expiration date punishment enough?
Raising My Father  American Chimpanzee


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