Email To My Brother: The Smell

Your wife posted the following TRUE story on Facebook:
     You and she were driving to the docks for your cruise when—BAM!—you hit a skunk that was eating some roadkill in the middle of the freeway. The force knocked the unlucky animal to the side. You slammed on the brakes,  jumped out, picked the injured skunk up, and, cradling it in your arms, brought it back to the car.
     “Oh, look,” your wife told you, “the poor thing is shivering. It must be cold.”
     “What should I do?" you asked her, weeping.
     “Quick, put it between your legs,” she ordered, taking charge.
     "But what about the smell?" you wanted to know.
     "If I can put up with the smell,” your wife said, “so can the skunk.”

RaisingDad  American Chimpanzee


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