Email To My Brother: Selfless

For pop's birthday, I like to get him useful things.
     Like Spider-Man comic books.

     Something he can read to help pass the time. I also like to get him gift certificates to those very same comic book shops I like to frequent. That way, he can buy whichever ones he wants. I might be a Spider-Man fan, but that doesn’t mean pop wouldn’t like more of a variety.
     One time, on the internet, I found a bunch of old issues of the National Lampoon magazine. I LOVED that magazine. I read it all the time in high school, and then in college. It’s a humor publication, and I know pop likes to laugh, so I got them for him for Christmas, and he really enjoyed them, too. He told me just that when he gave them back to me after he was done reading them.
     You know how pop loves music?
     Well, those vinyl Grand Funk Railroad albums I told you about--The ones I used to listen to all the time when I was a long-haired teen? The ones I found at a used vinyl store?--I bought them and gave them to him for his listening pleasure. They were the ones I told you cost $5.99 & $11.99, respectively.
     “Who is this?” he wanted to know.
     “It’s a classic rock band,” I told him. “From the 70s.”
     I knew he’d appreciate the historical value of those albums. Also, hard rock is a type of music you have to play very loud, so, even with pop’s being hard of hearing, he’ll be able to listen to it.
     “This is too much good music,” he told me as he gave me the albums back. “I want you to enjoy it, too.”
     I took him a case of Ensure that I bought at Sam’s, he was grateful, but I noticed you had already bought him some, so I snuck it back with me when I left. I didn’t want it to go bad. Plus, I’ve found out in life that people THINKING you’ve given them something is just as good as your having given them something.
     It’s in the Bible.

Raising My Father  American Chimpanzee


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