Words Of Wisdom

Daisy, a friend of mine, recently asked if my father still offers me words of wisdom.
     I had to think about that.
     I came to the conclusion that any words of wisdom my father offers me are usually in the form of hindsight.
     In other words, if I were to bump my head on a low-hanging bar, my father would then tell me, "Watch out for that bar."
     If I stepped on something sharp and painful on the floor, he'd caution, "I forgot to tell you, I put that there."
     Just the other day, when I complained that my stomach was upset, he told me, "You shouldn't eat like a pig."
     For the record, I don't eat like pig.
     My father's not much of a talker, but one thing I've noticed as he's gotten older is that he's more concerned over what his legacy is going to be, how he's going to be remembered.
     "Remember when I..." he'll tell me.
     "You were a good dad, dad," I'll tell him back.
     And he still is.
Raising My Father
JimDuchene.BlogSpot.com  American Chimpanzee


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