Captain America Saves The Day!

Yesterday morning, my wife and I were nice enough to take my father to see an early showing of the new Captain America movie (and I'm not just saying that because they paid me to). As we were sitting there, waiting for the movie to start, my wife offered me a gummy bear. I took it because they're my favorite candy, don't ask me why.
     As I was chewing on it, enjoying every gummy morsel, I made the mistake of inhaling. When I inhaled, the chewed-up candy got sucked in with the oxygen and lodged in my windpipe... sort of. It would have lodged completely if I had followed my first instinct to gasp in a huge lung full of air, but I didn't. Instead, to dislodge the almost-stuck candy, I tried to expel what little air I had in my lungs. It wasn't a whole lot, but it was enough. It pushed the little booger out of the way enough for me to take a careful breath and then cough the rest of the candy out. I don't think it was jammed in there, but it would have been if I had panicked.
     My wife, meanwhile, saw what was happening and gave me a couple of whacks on my back, but by that time the worst was over.
     "That was scary," she said.
     "For me, too," I admitted.
     "Yeah," my Dad agreed, his mouth full of popcorn, "I was afraid I wouldn't get to see the movie."
Raising My Father  American Chimpanzee
as featured in Deseret Exposure Magazine


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