My Dad In The War: Still Another Memorial Day Memory
Even without the Army, my Dad was a pretty tough guy. He lived in a time when you fought for a girl's honor, even if that was more than the girl herself ever did for it. A funny story he told me was about a fight he got into one night when he was drinking at a bar. He and another guy got into a heated argument, probably about who was the drunkest (" You're drunk!" "No, you're drunk!"). Finally, the guy told him, "You want to take it outside?" "You bet," my Dad said, and led the way. The heavy bar door opened outward, so my Dad swung it open, stepped outside, and then slammed it against the would-be pugilist who made the mistake of following too close behind him. Winner! By A Knock-Out! My Father! At the beginning of another fight, my father assured his opponent that, not only would...