Life's Cruel Joke (Part Five)

I pressed the button, and guess what?
     The TV came on.
     Yeah, the TV works. That answered my third question. Someone, or something (and I'm not ruling out the possibility that there might be a ghost or a phantasm of some kind doing what ghosts and phantasms do), pressed the main cut-off button and turned the power off, but whoever or whatever it was will forever remain unknown. All I know for sure is that it couldn't have been my Dad, because he already told us a dozen times that, not only did he NOT touch the back of the TV, but he never even THOUGHT of touching the back of the TV.
     But if that's the case, then how did anyone get to that back part of the TV? I don't know, because it's not like the power button is within reach and out in the open. I didn't even find it until I had brought it into our kitchen and gotten a better look at the situation. Someone--or some thing--had to really go out of their way to press it 
     "Are you sure you weren't fiddling with the back of the TV for some reason?"
     "Are you sure you weren't fiddling with the back of the TV for some reason?"
     I swear my Dad can hear perfectly fine, but he only says "what" in hopes that, if he repeats it long enough, I'll give up and quit asking him what he doesn't want to answer.
     "Are you sure you weren't fiddling with the back of the TV for some reason?"
     I can be just as persistent as my Dad.
     "Why would I do that?"
     My Dad also likes to answer a question with a question that really doesn't answer the question.
     "I don't know, maybe something fell in the back of the TV, and you tried to get it, and accidentally pressed the power button."
     "Are you sure?"
     "Didn't happen."
     "It could happen."
     "But it didn't."
     "How can the button press itself?"
     "I don't know."

     "How is that even possible?"
     "I said I don't know."
     "It's impossible."
     "I'm sure it is."
     You see? So it couldn't have been my Dad. And where does that leave me? That leaves me with the possibility of ghosts or phantasms playing their supernatural  tricks on this mere mortal.
      Now I'm in the hole for the price of a new, larger TV, AND I have an extra TV I don't need. The only room in my house without a TV is the bathroom, and, although I'm sure my Dad would love that, I refuse to put a TV in the bathroom just on general principles.
     I think about the button, and I wonder if I was set up? Did my Dad want a new TV set, and this was his devious way of getting it? Something bigger, something nicer, something with better high definition? Was he in collusion with my wife? Speaking of my wife...
     I told her that I was thinking about putting the old TV back in his room and installing the new one in my office.  She gave me a look that told me the new TV isn't going anywhere.
     But why does my Dad need a large-screen TV that he will never watch, and only  use to listen to music? Why does he even need to listen to music? He says he can't hear. I'd ask my wife, but she'd only give me The Look again. I can only hope to live long enough to spend some of his inheritance when I get it.
     If I get it.
Raising My Father  Fifty Shades of Funny


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