Another TV? (Part Two)

So I check the TV out.
     ""It just quit working," my Dad is chattering from some place far away.
     Actually, he's only about two feet away, but I'm trying to ignore all the chatter and figure out what the problem is.
     "I didn't do anything to it."
     First things first, I check to make sure the TV is plugged in. I know it is, but, well, you never know. Maybe it's not. But it is.
     "I didn't touch it."
     I ask my wife if she could please go get me two AA batteries. When faced with a problem, it's best to eliminate the easy stuff first.
     "I don't know why it's not working."
     The only thing I know for sure is that, for some reason, the TV has no power.
     "It should work..."
     I look around. Everything that's electrical and should be on, is on. Everything, that is, except the TV.
     "...but it doesn't."
     I pull the plug from the bottom outlet, and plug it into the top one. I press the on-button that's on the TV manually this time. Still no juice.
     "I just don't know."
     I unplug the TV and grab the clock radio. I plug it in the top electrical socket. It works. I plug it in the bottom. It works, too. 
     "Maybe it's the remote."
     By this time, my wife is back, and has brought me the AAs. I change the batteries in the remote control, thinking (hoping) that the problem is as simple as that. I press the on-button... but no dice.
     "Press it again."
     I press the on-button again... hmm, still no dice.
     "TVs, these days," my Dad says, shaking his head sadly.
     I tell my wife that all the connections are good but the TV has no  power. Why doesn't it have power?
     "What about the connections?" my Dad asks.
     I show her, the little remote light on it is off, which means that everything is off. 
     My Dad is craning his neck to see around us.
     I'm keeping one eye on him as he goes, "Hmmm... ahhh... ohhh,"  and I'm keeping my other eye on the problem at hand.
     "How 'bout... nah, that wouldn't work..." my Dad says to himself, thinking out loud. 
     We have no luck getting it to work. I say we, since there are three of us, but, really, it's me accomplishing nothing.
     "Maybe we need to buy Dad a new TV?" my wife, trying to be helpful, unhelpfully suggests.
     "A new TV?" my Dad echoes. My Dad can't hear half the time, but THAT he heard.
     I push my brain harder to figure out what could be wrong with the TV. There's only so many buttons I can push, and so many connections I can check. Another TV?
     Heck, my Dad never even uses THIS one, and here my wife is wanting to replace it.

Raising My Father  Fifty Shades of Funny


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