Off To Costco (Part Three)
I have no luck getting it to work, and my wife now wants to buy my Dad a new TV. Buy him a new TV ? "He never watched the old one," I tell my wife when we're back in the kitchen. "He is always in the great room watching the family set." I say "watching," but what I really mean is "hogging." "He likes to listen to his music," she counters. Is she telling me that a thousand bucks have to be spent so my Dad can listen to music on one of the music channels on the TV? There's a cheaper alternative to that: Listen to it on the radio. He already has one of those, and it works pretty good when he doesn't lower the volume and think it's broken. Besides, I know who's going to end up getting stuck paying for my Dad's new TV. Today my wife invites me to go to Costco with her. ...