I Just Get The Credit (Part One)

I bought my Dad the Major League Baseball package again this year.
     Well, my wife actually bought it. I just get the credit.
     Myself? Well, I'm not really that much into baseball, although I do remember watching it on TV when I was a toddler. Back then, there were only three channels to choose from, and we only had one TV, so what other choice did I have? I also remember watching the soap opera The Edge of Night and Sing Along with Mitch Miller ("Follow the bouncing ball!").
     Who cares? I can hear you asking.
     I agree.
     With the Major League Baseball package my Dad can watch any baseball game being played on that day... LIVE! (Did my capitalizing the word "live," and adding an exclamation point to the end make that sentence more exciting?
     I didn't think so.)
     His favorite team is the Cleveland Indians, so, like last year, he will watch 182-plus games. It cost me--ME-- $200 for the package. I say "me," because my wife may buy him the package, but I'm the one stuck with the bill.
     Yep, it cost me $200, and I don't even watch baseball games. I don't watch them. My wife doesn't watch them. Nobody watches them. Nobody, that is, except my Dad.
     "Hey, Dad, we got you the Major League Baseball package," I told him, so that he'd know that it was something we had to buy, not something we got for free along with a bowl of soup.
     There was no thank you.
     "It cost us over two hundred bucks."
     No "Let me help you pay for it," or, better yet, "Let me pay for the whole thing."
     All I heard as he watched the Cleveland Indians play today was, "The meat has fat."


Raising My Father


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