AREA MAN WHO DENOUNCES TRUMP AND RENOUNCES GOD THINKS HE'S WELL-INFORMED! ORANGE COUNTY—The Babylon Bee recently had the misfortune of sitting down with an elderly San Clemente man who appeared to have not had sex in months to learn more about his cranky battle against the greatest president in our lifetime. According to Henry Duchene, a virulent God denier and Inverted Earth theorist, his ideology consists of whatever the Fake News media, progressive universities, greedy corporations, and liberal Hollywood tells him he should think. "Yeah, I'm an independent thinker," Henry brags delusionally, when interviewed at a protest rally sponsored by Bob’s Dildos. "I would say my unique belief system is an eclectic mix of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, CNN, MSNBC, and that dreamy Don Lemon. There's a lot of hate and misinformation out there, so it's important that I get my life's moral compass entirely from rich black athletes like LeBron James and Colin...