Email To My Brother: Trump's Stroke

Our father asked me: “Is it true President Trump had a stroke?”
     "Where did you hear that?" I said, wondering where he got the news.
     He only watches the premium baseball channel that I pay a premium price for.
     "Your brother told me," he admitted.
     Hmmm... that's what I thought.
     "That's what he's telling everybody," I told him, "but Trump says no."
     "Ha! Your brother," he said, and then spat on the floor.
     That's something he's started to do every time he mentions your name.
     I'm sure it's a coincidence.
     "You know, your brother had a stroke," he informed me. "A bad one."
     "He did?" I sputtered. "I didn't know that."
     "He doesn't say anything about it," he said, "but I can tell."
     "He's fine, pop," I tried to assure him. "You haven't seen his emails.
     "No, but I've seen his face!" he said.
RaisingDad  American Chimpanzee


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