Not One To Be Chastised

By the many stories I've told you, it may sound like my father got pulled over a lot for speeding, and maybe he did, but I take full responsibility for that.
     You see, my brother and I were very rambunctious as young boys, and he had to spend half of his driving time threatening us in the backseat to get us to stop fighting with one another.
     It was a stormy night, as this memory takes place, and my father had pulled to the side of the road because a police officer had pulled us over. In his yellow rain slicker, it was obvious the police officer was not happy to be doing his job.
     "Isn't it stupid of you to be speeding with your family in the car with you?" he tried to chastise my father.
     My father isn't one to be chastised.
     "Stupid? Me?" he told the police officer. "YOU'RE the one standing in the rain."
Raising My Father  American Chimpanzee


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