Email To My Brother: Dirty Old Man

I was shopping at a place called Sprouts
     It’s a health grocery store, much like Whole Foods. When I was done shopping, and rolling the cart to my truck in the parking lot, I saw a flash of Kool-Aid-colored red hair. It was a young woman—maybe early twenties, maybe late—and she had one leg lifted behind her as she was putting her groceries deep inside of her big SUV. She was attractive, but with makeup she could be pretty.
      I couldn't help but check out the view, but, once I passed her, I didn’t look back. Instead, I looked forward, in the direction of my truck...
     ...and saw an old guy pushing an empty cart in my direction, toward the grocery store. He was also checking out the view. I went from being 17 back to being my actual age.
      “That,” I thought to myself, “is me.”
     And I drove off feeling very much like a dirty old man.

Raising My Father  American Chimpanzee


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