Just Browsing

New Mexico is known for quaint little historic towns like Old Mesilla in Las Cruces or Old Town in Albuquerque. Tourists come from miles around to visit the charming museums and shops and galleries and restaurants mixed with old homes and churches. In fact, in the city of Chengdu, the capital of southwestern China's Sichuan's province, they have one called Ancient Town.
     But who wants to drive all the way to China?
     While visiting one such town in our beautiful southwest, my elderly father looked into a front window and saw an inviting selection of books sitting along a row of shelves.
     "Hang on," he told us, "I want to take a look."
     He opened the door and walked in, with my wife and I following close behind.
    A woman was sitting down in a comfortable looking chair, and looked up from a book SHE was reading.
     "Howdy, ma'am," my father said, nodding in her direction. Why he took on a western affectation is beyond me.
     "Can I help you?" she asked.
     "No, thanks," my father told her. "I'm just browsing."
     "O-kaaay," she told him, "but, just so you know, people usually knock before they come into my home."
Raising My Father
JimDuchene.blogspot.com  American Chimpanzee
  as featured in Desert Exposure Magazine


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