Have You Seen My Mother?

Back when my mother was still alive, and after my father reluctantly gave up his driving privileges, she asked me to drive her to a retirement community so she could visit a friend.
     Like a good son, I did. After saying my hellos, I said my goodbyes, and left my mom and her friend bragging to each other about how smart their grandkids were.
     When I came back an hour later, I looked for her where I had left her, in her friend's room, only they weren't there. I walked around the place a couple of times, but still couldn't find them.
     "Excuse me," I said, approaching one of the staff. "I’m looking for my mother. She's an elderly lady with white hair."
     He looked around, and then straight back at me.
     "Take your pick," he said.
Raising My Father
jimduchene.BlogSpot.com  American Chimpanzee
as featured in Desert Exposure Magazine


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