Good One, Dad

"Did I tell you I almost got a speeding ticket the other day?"
     My father hasn't driven in years, so I knew this was his introduction to a joke he wanted to tell me.
     "Really, Dad?" I asked him. "What happened?"
     "Well," he began, "I was going 65 in a 40-mph zone when a police officer pulled me over. 'Can I see your license?' he wanted to know.
     "'I’m sorry, officer,' I told him, 'but it was revoked two years ago when I got busted for drunk driving.'
     "'Well,' he said, 'then can you show me your car registration?'
     "'I'm afraid not,' I said. 'You see, I stole the car and killed the driver.'
     "'Yes, and I put him in the trunk.'
     "'Don't move and keep your hands where I can see them,' he ordered, putting his hand on the butt of his gun. 'I’m calling for backup.'
     "Five minutes later, half the police force showed up. The Chief of Police himself walked over to my window. He was surprised to see I was an old man. I guess he was expecting El Chapo.
     "'Let me see your license and registration!' he ordered.
     "'Of course, officer,' I said politely and handed them over.
     "'Open your trunk!'
     "'Yes, sir,' and I did.
     "He looked inside and found it empty.
     "'I... I don't understand what's going on," the police chief said, and then filled me in on what the police officer who had pulled me over had reported.
     "'And I bet that liar told you I was speeding too!'” I told him.
     I laughed.
     "Good one, dad," I said.
     And it was.
Raising My Father  American Chimpanzee
as featured in Desert Exposure Magazine


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