A Naughty Joke

It's sad to see friend and relatives grow old, especially when some of them end up in a nursing home.
     I'm talking about my aunt.
     My aunt was a woman who loved life. She loved it so much, she might have been mistaken for a Kennedy. She loved to go out, she loved to dance, and she loved to... well, let's just say she loved that third thing so much she ended up getting married five times.
     I went to visit her the other day, and, let me assure you, she's still as feisty as ever.
     "What do you do all day?" I asked her.
     "I'll show you," she answered me, whereupon she showed a closed fist to the old man sleeping in the wheelchair next to her.
     "If you can guess what's in my hand, you can have sex with me," she told him.
     He achieved consciousness just long enough to tell her, "An elephant," and then slumped back into snoresville.
     Undeterred, she grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him toward her room, his tires squeaking in protest.
     "Close enough," she said.
Raising My Father
jimduchene.BlogSpot.com  American Chimpanzee


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