A Joke My Dad Told Me

A man walks into a bar and says, "Bartender, give me two beers. One for me and one for my little buddy here."
     With that, he pulls out a three-inch man from his pocket.
     "Wow!" says the bartender when he sees the little guy. "Can he drink a whole beer?"
     "Sure," says the man, so the bartender serves them both a beer, and the little guy drinks it all up.
     "Well, I'll be," says the bartender. "Can he walk?"
     "Sure," says the man, and the little guy walks over and pours himself another beer.
     "That's amazing," says the bartender. "Can he talk?"
     "Sure," says the man. "Little Buddy, why don't you tell the bartender about the day you told God to prove He exists."
Raising My Father
jimduchene.BlogSpot.com  American Chimpanzee


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