Would Even The Jedi Mind-Trick Have Worked?
Yesterday... ...my father was sitting in his--uh... make that my --favorite chair in the great room watching a baseball game on the best TV in the house. You know what I call the baseball games he watches? E pluribus unum. He has a perfectly fine TV in his own room. It's even bigger than the TV I usually end up watching upstairs in my work-out room. My father is sitting there, picking his teeth with an old worn-out tooth-pick. He has just finished a five-star, four-course meal courtesy of my wife. I hear the catholic church is in the process of making Pope John Paul Ringo & George a saint. Well, before they do, they'd better put my wife at the head of the line if they know what's good for them. Me? I'm sitting at the kitchen counter enjoying a hot cup of Irish coffee, just minding my own business, trying to remember when the last time was...