Today I went downstairs. Here's what I found:
1) All the lights on in the kitchen,
2) All the lights on in the great room, and
3) The television set turned on and blasting away.
     My Dad? I'll give him credit, he was sitting in his (my) favorite chair... sound asleep! How he could sleep with the TV as loud as it was, I don't know. I couldn't even concentrate from all the racket it was making, and I was upstairs in my bedroom at the far end of the hall.
     When my wife and I had this house built, we made it a point to have a father-in-law house built at the front part of our property in case one of our parents needed to move in with us. That was the story I gave my wife. I actually thought it would make a nice office for me. I thought it would give me a place to get away, but be close by. If my wife needed me for chores, I could always hide in one of the closets.
     But my Dad moved in with us before I could put any of my plan into motion, and that's his house. And in his house, he has his room. And in his room, he has his bed. And when he's tired, does he sleep in his bed?
     No. Instead he comes over to my house, turns on all the lights and the television set, sits on my favorite chair, and goes to sleep.
     I stumble around, purposely not being quiet, hoping he'll wake up just long enough to make his way back to his house, but he stays sound asleep. The only thing that wakes him up is when I change the channel. I'll put it on something I like on the History Channel.
     "Is the game over?" my Dad will ask.
     I'll change the TV back to the game, mainly because my wife will be giving me the stink eye for changing the TV station in the first place.
     "You've got a TV upstairs," she'll chastise me later. You see, she loves my Dad a lot. She loves him so much, you would think he was paying the bills for her. And, I guess, I shouldn't fault her for that. The alternative would really make my life miserable.
     Personally, I think my Dad's plan is to:
1) Drive me crazy, and
2) Make me spend all of my future inheritance in advance.
     By the time my Dad goes to that great baseball stadium in the sky, I'll have spent my share of whatever inheritance he's leaving me on electricity and the items he sneaks into our cart at Costco.
     He's making me spend it now, because, when I get it, it won't be enough to cover all that I've spent on him since he's come to live with me.
     Also, I think driving me crazy gives him a reason to keep on living.

Raising My Father  Fifty Shades of Funny


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