Molly's Muffins
as featured in Desert Exposure Magazine RaisingDad by Jim and Henry Duchene Molly's Muffins “it would have been nice” My wife is not only beautiful but she’s also very generous. More generous than I am, that’s for sure. We were at Molly’s Cafe this morning and my wife saw a young gentleman in a wheelchair. He was missing a leg. “Do you see that man?” she asked me. “No,” I said. I told her no, not because I didn’t see him, but because I knew saying yes would cost me money. My wife wasn’t fooled. “Your father was in the military,” she said, chastising me with a sharp elbow to the ribs. She was disgusted by my financial thriftiness. Getting up, she walked over to the young man. “Thank you for your service,” she told him, her eyes moist with tears. “I’d be honored to...