Fast Food Favorites
RaisingDad by Jim and Henry Duchene Fast Food Favorites “Who stole my Dilly Bar?” My two favorite fast food restaurants are Dairy Queen and Chick-fil-A. Let me tell you why. It’s not just the Pumpkin Pie Blizzards and Peppermint Shakes, which are available seasonally. It’s the free food I get with each purchase. You see, at the bottom of their receipts are online surveys. Take them and, for your trouble, you'll earn a complimentary Dilly Bar at Dairy Queen or chicken sandwich at Chick-fil-A. And free, my friends, is my preferred price point. Unfortunately, the offer only comes out occasionally on the Chick-fil-A receipts, while they’re on the bottom of every Dairy Queen receipt. That makes Dairy Queen my favorite fast food restaurant by default. If you think I can be easily bought, you’re right. The only problem is, unless Dairy Queen’s ...