
Showing posts from July, 2022

Desert Exposure Vs The World

 as featured in Desert Exposure Magazine RaisingDad by Jim and Henry Duchene Desert Exposure vs The World “I hate to sound like an old geezer, BUT” Sometimes I feel like Tony Soprano in the very first scene of the very first episode of HBO’s The Sopranos , where he laments coming in at the tail end of the golden age of organized crime.     In my case, I feel that way about books.     I love books the way some people love their children, so it’s hard to believe they're on the way out, being replaced by an electronic media that adds little to the reading experience. Somehow, cozying in bed with a good iPhone doesn’t have the same appeal.      People these days would rather experience things on a screen than on a page. They don’t know what they're missing. Myself, I still carry a book with me wherever I go, but I'm pretty much a lonely barnacle in an ocean of phone zombies. Science fiction writers imagined many things, b...