
Showing posts from August, 2021

Email To My Brother: The Delta Variant

I was talking with our father and he told me he was worried about you.      “Why, pop?” I asked him.      “Because of this new Delta Variant of Covid,” he told me.      “I wouldn’t worry,” I tried to assure him. “It’s only dangerous to people with a pre-condition.”      “THAT’S the problem,” he insisted, “his whole FACE is a pre-condition!”        RaisingDad American Chimpanzee @JimDuchene     

Bad Math, Bad Day

as featured in Desert Exposure Magazine Last year, my then five-year-old granddaughter came up with a math theorem that was elegant in its simplicity: 10 = 10.      I was playfully showing her math equations on my phone’s calculator, mainly adding ridiculously long numbers together, when she snatched it from my hand and taught me this important lesson: Everything Equals Itself .      It’s an obvious concept, but not one that I’ve ever seen or heard expressed before. It was an original idea, and I’m a sucker for original ideas. The brilliance of her smile showed just how proud she was of her theorem. So proud she repeated it for me again and again.     On the other hand, my elderly father is losing his relationship with numbers and their value. When I take him to the doctor, the receptionist will say, “Your co-pay is...”      “Pay it,” he’ll tell me.      I often wonder...