Mr. Lucky
as featured in Desert Exposure Magazine My uncle recently died. Not only that, but it was the holidays, so when my buddy Maloney called, I thought it was to offer his condolences... "I’ve got bad news," he told me. ...but I guess he had other things on his mind. "My mother-in-law," he said, sounding morose, "she might lose her eye." "I’m sorry to hear that," I told him. "That IS bad news." "Oh, that’s not the bad news," he went on. "The bad news is she’s moved back in with us." Maloney and his mother-in-law have always had a contentious relationship, you could say. She had lived with them for a short while, and, when she moved out, Maloney promised himself never again, never again. " As God is my witness..." he swore, but I think he was just copying Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With The Win...