Poop & Privilege
as featured in Desert Exposure Magazine desert exposure.com Nobody likes a poopy diaper. Nobody, that is, except me. As strange as it sounds, I’ve always considered it a privilege to change my children’s--and now my grandchildren’s--diapers. Other kids? Not so much. Being a man, since nature has so effectively kept men out of the equation when it comes to baby-raising duties that bond a parent with their child--such as breastfeeding--I had to take my bonding moments where I could find them. Now, briefly, this isn’t a dissertation about gender stereotypes or male-female roles, it’s a discussion about poopy diapers, so let’s leave social politics out of it, although, now that I think about it, poopy diapers and politics seem to go hand in hand. Poopy diapers, besides being unsanitary, are uncomfortable. Once soiled, babies have no other...