I'm Not Evil. I Just Act That Way.
My Dad has this habit that annoys me. Well, he has more than one habit that annoys me, but I hold my tongue because they aren't worth losing the inheritance that awaits me. That is, if he doesn't outlive me. Anyway, my father constantly blows his nose. All day. Into the same sheet of Kleenex. I never see him throw it away. I never see him get a new one. I never see him wash his hands. In the mornings, he'll come out of his room honking the old horn. He'll sit at the table, blow his nose, turn the Kleenex over, and honk into it again. He does this all day long. When I eat, I'll eat at the counter, several yards away from him, trying to stay out of the range of any flying snot that might escape his Kleenex. My wife is a saint, she knows not to...