No Need To Say More
You know, my dad's a pretty healthy guy. He goes out walking in the heat, in the rain, during earthquakes. If you've been paying attention to the news, you've probably read about some wild fires that have been burning close by and giving my deadbeat--I mean, fun-loving--relatives an additional reason not to use my home as a base camp for their vacation. Did all the smoke and haze keep my dad indoors like the local authorities recommended? No. Why do I mention all this? Well, my wife recently had a garage sale and from that garage sale I caught something from somebody that laid me low. Not low enough to keep me from getting out of bed and doing house chores for her (My wife figures that since I'm home, I might as well do something. Sick, or not.), but low enough to not be able to enjoy the nice Memorial Day weekend. Although, when you're retired, every day is a nice Memorial Day we...