Molly's Muffins
My Dad's better, but he's still getting over the cold that almost left me with an empty bedroom that would have converted nicely into a work office for me. Still, the rest of us are not without our own problems. I'm talking about my wife and I. Just the other night I thoughtfully brought her two aspirins as she sat in our bed reading. "Here, sweetie," I told her. "I brought you a couple of aspirin." "For what? " she asked. "I don't have a headache." "Then it's a good thing you're already in bed," I said, smoothly. Okay, so that's an old joke... but it's not far from the truth. My own particular peccadillo's have given me a new eating schedule. I only eat twice a day, which isn't bad, BUT--and, as you can see, it's a big "but"--I can't have any breads, and THAT'S what's killing me. I'm a BIG bread eater. Well, ...